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Turbo Trainers And Rollers


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Bike Rollers

Bike Rollers

Bike rollers improve your cycling technique and core fitness and make a great alternative to turbo trainers. Made specifically for use indoors, cycle rollers can be used by themselves or with a turbo trainer so you can vary your training regime. Bike rollers require handling skills and concentration as you only have a small width on which to ride. This massively improves your cadence, balance and stamina so that when you're back on tarmac - your performance will be increased.

Whereas turbo's are great for resistance training, bike rollers provides a much smoother ride feel (almost like the real thing), is very quiet and is designed for technical ride training. Tacx bike rollers are most popular and we also stock CycleOps cycle rollers, Minoura bike rollers and Elite rollers among others.

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